Monday, February 14, 2011

Coaching Youth Basketball: The Pick and Roll

I've been reading some other blogs and websites about coaching youth basketball and I came across one that talked about how to teach the pick and roll to a youth team. I'm not going to say one idea is wrong. Or that my way is better. But I will explain why I think the way I do.

I would not teach the screen roll until the kids are at least 9th grade. I wouldn't even let them know the play exists. For two reasons:

1) You don't have time. All of your practice time will be used to introduce, practice, and perfect the individual skills necessary to complete a play like the screen and roll. Even if you have 2 hours a day 4 or 5 days a week, you still don't have time. Your precious practice time will be way, way, waaaaayyyyy better used learning to turn the corner on a defender, pull of a snappy crossover or between the legs, things like that. Ad to that learning how to screen and what to do with the ball if the screener actually gets the ball. And ad to that learning to pass the ball correctly. Yeah, there's too much to do before teaching the screen and roll.

2) Once you teach the screen and roll you will find that your players will bail out to that play too often. When you are running a play (which I recommend that you do NOT) and it breaks down, they will run to that play more often than not. Now you're running the screen and roll much more than you had planned.

More later on everything you need to teach before you get to the screen and roll

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