Friday, April 1, 2011

Coaching Youth Basketball - Run a Break That SCORES

I have run into this phenomenon a lot recently. Maybe it's because we have been working with a lot of kids from other teams who are new to us. The conflict is this: running a fastbreak that leads to baskets.

I love to play against teams that pass the ball up the sideline to initiate a fastbreak. My defense then always knows where the ball is going. If the team your playing has a default position of passing the ball up the sideline on a break you should at least be able to easily defend that and at best pick off that pass.

Passing up the sideline looks pretty and, again, it looks like your team is well coached. But it is not always the best way to score. Sometimes - and I would offer that the majority of the time - passing up the sideline only looks pretty but it doesn't lead to baskets.

There's a better way. Meet me here in two days and I'll tell you a simple way to teach a fastbreak that leads to baskets.

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