Sunday, March 13, 2011

Coaching Youth Basketball - Kareem's Way

I little bit ago I watched an interview with Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. The interviewer asked why no one else shoots the sky hook anymore. I found his answering interesting - and completely true. He said, "because everyone only teaches guard skills anymore."

Okay, so I don't believe his answer is COMPLETELY true. But it is in this sense: to the extent that programs teach individual skills at all, they usually teach guard skills exclusively. And that's a shame. When you are coaching your youth team it is imperative that you teach all the skills to all the players. Everyone should be able to put the ball on the floor and everyone should be able to play with her back to the basket. Some will do some skills better, due to a lot of factors, but they should all be able to pull off at least the basic skills from all positions.

We have a kid on our youth team that is a perfect example of why this is so important. I'll tell you about him in a future blog.

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