Saturday, January 15, 2011

Hoops and Drums

Last week I was at a game and the home team had a female drummer for their performing jazz band. As you follow this program, these ideas, your going to encourage your guys and gals to be drummers.

What do I mean? Let's be honest here, girl drummers are uncommon. Not unheard of, but uncommon enough where a girl from a small town might think twice about playing drums. But at some point this girl said to herself, "Heck yeah, I'll go play drums." And that's the kind of attitude you are encouraging, that "heck yeah, I can go do that."

When you teach your guys to pull off an ankle breaking crossover or between the legs dribble you are also encouraging them to be drummers, and engineers, and veterinarians, and anything else their dreams tell them.

 In fact I asked her how she came to be their drummer. She said, "When I started the class they already had a saxophonist and my teacher said they needed a drummer. I thought it would be cool for a girl to be a drummer." Exact words. I wrote it down. Because that's what we're doing here. Remember the coaches from a few posts ago that criticized their players for throwing a behind the back pass and making some dribble moves to beat her girl? Those are the same guys that would tell a girl she can't be a drummer.

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