Friday, January 21, 2011

Black Ops and Your Motion Offense

You want an easy way for your guys to remember how to run motion offense? At least one key component of it? Here goes:

I think everyone in the world has the game Call of Duty: Black Ops. And in that game there's an option to play against German Zombies. Quite a cool affectation, in my opinion. But here's your reference anyway.

In that game, the player gets to a point where there are just too many zombies attacking him to hold his ground. So the thing he has to do is run away and by some time. Reload, gather up with your partners, something like that. So I'm watching my son play the game (it's okay, he had two games that day so it was veg out time) and it struck me that the same tactic applies to your motion offense.

Here's how it works. Tell your guys that whenever there is too much congestion - defenders, other offense, or German Zombies, run away. Get out of the way. CREATE SPACE. Space is the enemy of good defenses and zombies and it is the friend of a really snappy, clicking motion offense. Once your guys have created adequate space, what do they do. Attack! With a cut, or a float, or a backscreen, there are tons of options.

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