I was at a game last week and I saw a player who was performing at a very high level. No surprise there, happens all the time. Her game was far and away ahead of her peers and her competition. So I talked to her after the game and I asked some questions. Questions like, "how did you know..?", "Who taught you to..?", "Why do you...?"
Her initial answer to all these questions? "I don't know." So I pressed. Come to find out that these were things she learned just from experience. That as she played, she realized that the ways she is doing things is better. Faster, More successful. She is an undersized pt. guard, with decent speed and pretty good handles. So it's not like her God given abilities are anything to write home about. So she had to take what was given her, and make the most of them. By doing things that are faster, more aggressive, more attack mode than anything.
She intuitively gets it. You have the advantage of standing on the sideline and analyzing how effective what you're teaching really is. Why can't you see what this 14 year old girl sees?
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